8-cm cookiecutter shark bite to the inner left thigh. | Download Scientific Diagram
Cookie-cutter shark takes first bite of human flesh
Pencils with teeth: meet the tiny cookiecutter shark that attacked a catamaran off Cairns | Sharks | The Guardian
What Bit This Great White Shark? A Cookie-Cutter
Apocalypse Now: In “historic first” cookiecutter shark, featuring mouth “like toilet plunger with a blade in it,” attacks three swimmers in Hawaii! - BeachGrit
Cookiecutter sharks chomp on everything, everywhere – oceanbites
What Bit This Great White Shark? A Cookie-Cutter
Fishermen Reel In Swordfish Mutilated With Cookie Cutter Shark Bites | Whiskey Riff
Isistius brasiliensis
The most dangerous shark in 2019? The diminutive cookie cutter
Cookiecutter shark - Wikipedia
Mysterious deep-sea sharks biting chunks out of migrating whales | New Scientist